Whistle Stop Quilt Shop in Selma, NC is having a great sale on all their fabric for the 4th of July. I had never been there before and found it to be a beautiful quaint little quilt shop. She had a pretty good variety of fabrics from batiks to CW to 30's to novelty and so on. She had a nice selection of fabric on clearance too. Usually when I see a fabric on clearance, it's immediately obvious why. Not so here! She also carries Triangle Paper! I thank Jan for introducing me to this paper for making HSTs (half-square triangles). Each package lasts for a very long time. I bought 3 sizes to complement the ones Jan picked up for me a while ago. It turns out I already had the 2.5" ones, but that's the size I usually make so they won't go to waste.
I've been collecting fabrics from the Williamsburg Heritage collection by Windham. I first saw them in Plain and Simple and fell in love with them. I picked up a few more at Whistle Stop.
Here's a picture of the ones I already had. Aren't they beautiful? I was so pleased to see that I didn't buy any ones I already had. Sometimes it's difficult to remember. However, if I buy a fabric twice, I must REALLY like it and so need more of it. Right???
She had a pretty nice selection of batiks including this one that I found on clearance (the bottom one). I don't know what I'll use it for, but I love the color variation in it.
And here are the tan/brown and black batiks that I'll use in a quilt together. Susan bought some first, then I picked them up and finally Jan bought a couple as well. The fabrics are actually much richer than appears in the picture.
Well that's it for my purchases in Selma. I spent a lot less than it probably appears because she had really good prices and I tended to buy 1/2 yards of most things. I'm off to pet them for a little while and hopefully to sew in the morning. Until later...
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