Sunday, September 19, 2010

CQ Update #4...

Now that the seams are all done, I can concentrate fully on the individual patches.  I know what I'd like to do for most of them.  Or let me rephrase that, I know what I hope to do for most of them.  Here's my progress so far...

Crazy Quilt Block

You can see in the upper left that I've added a tulip patch.  I got the idea (and instructions) from the Ribbon Embroidery & Stumpwork book by Di Van Niekerk.  She has a lot of great ideas in that book!  Here's a closeup of the tulips...

Block #4 - Tulip Patch

I stitched down oval beads for each tulip and then covered them with Ribbon stitches using 7mm persimmon silk ribbon.  The stems are Twisted Straight stitches using 4mm green silk ribbon.  I made a Grab stitch at the base of each Tulip before making the stems.  And the leaves are Twisted Ribbon stitches using 7mm wide ribbon.  The Tulips were really pretty easy to make.  And I added a Bee charm to the patch as well.

I'm spending the day tomorrow with a friend where I'll be working on this, so I hope to make a lot of progress on it.  I've already started on a patch of violets that I hope to finish.

This is a my sister's dog Abby.  She's 12 and an American Dingo. She had a very itchy nose at the time.

Abby scratching her nose

Until later...

"And may you have the power to understand, as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully"  
Ephesians 3:18-19 (NLT).

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you brought this block over yesterday! You are doing an awesome job!
