Friday, October 15, 2010

Stash Report Week #41...

October 8-14, 2010

After such an amazing report last week, this one is kind of a let down.  I'm still hard at work on a bunch of things, but haven't finished much yet.

On the purchasing side of things, I stopped at JoAnn's and picked up some Kona cotton and a background fabric for one of the charity quilts.  There was a total of 3 yards of the Kona in Snow and Ivory and 4.5 yards of the blue.

Kona Snow, Ivory and charity quilt backing
Then there was my goofy purchase where I bought a yard of the brown and .5 yards of the cream and when I got home realized it was supposed to be the reverse.  So I can't use them as I intended and they'll go into my stash for a later date.

Bought the wrong amounts - Duhh!
And finally a friend gave me this cat panel (I almost bought it myself a while back) and I might try to turn it into another charity quilt.  It's about half a yard.

Gift from a friend
So that's a total of 9.5 yards in this week.  As for what I used...  I finally finished the CQ block which was about half a yard and I embellished some towels for a friend which was another quarter yard.  So I think I used .75 yards.  Lots more in the pipe though and I hope to see some bigger finishes in the next couple of weeks - including quilting at least one of the charity quilts.

Purchased-this-week: 9.5 yards
Used-this-week: .75 yards
Purchased-to-date: 228.25 yards
Used-to-date: 365.5 yards
Net used: 137.25 yards

I took a couple of pictures of Gabriel with a funny perspective.  I'm finding I like these weird angle shots more than the normal ones.  And yes, those are my toes in the picture.

Until later...

Now you belong to him ... in order that you might be useful in the service of God. 
Romans 7:4 (TEV)

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