Monday, October 11, 2010

This, that and the other...

I've been working on a few other things lately - in between charity quilts and the CQ block.  I managed to finish the final blocks for LeeAnn's Twisted Rope quilt.  There are 81 of these Twisted Rope blocks in it.

81 Twisted Rope blocks

Now I'm ready to start putting it all together.  I've also finished stitching two of the blocks for the Winter Wonderland quilt by Crabapple Hill.  My mom is working on hers at the same time but in a different colorway.  I'm stitching mine on different flannel backgrounds.

Block 1 - Winter Wonderland

Block 2 - Winter Wonderland

Do you ever consider how long a simple stitchery like this takes to make?  I've not given it much thought.  Handwork is just something I work on at night while watching tv.  But one day last week, I had to spend most of the day getting our car serviced and I just happened to bring a new block to work on.  So I knew that it took me 3 hours to get this much done...

Block 3 - Winter Wonderland (in progress)

Hmm.  I would have thought I'd be further along after that much time.  But I suppose it doesn't matter.  I enjoy working on them and I'm one of those people who has trouble with idle hands.  If I'm not working on this, I'll just be doing something else (like the CQ block or the Ladies of the Sea or Baltimore Halloween or Baltimore Christmas or Camelot Snowmen).  

I just wondered if anyone else had ever figured out how long it takes them to do something like this.  Perhaps I'm just slow?

Here's a rather cute picture of Gabriel from yesterday's ball playing time.  Please excuse the dead plants.  A green thumb is not one of my gifts from God.

Gabriel and the ball

Until later...

Those who know Your name will trust in You; for You, LORD,
have never forsaken those who seek You.
Psalm 9:10

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