Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Frogging it...

Have you heard the term?  It's quilter's lingo for unsewing.  Whenever you have to rip out a bunch of stitching, you're frogging it.  (In case you're confused, it's because "rip it" and "ribbit" sound so similar.)

I spent about 6 hours yesterday ripping out most of the quilting I've done on Twisted Rope.  I took out all the stitching for this heart motif because the thread color matches so well, you can barely see it.  In fact, were it not for the paper, you probably wouldn't notice anything except the fabric.

I've decided to re-quilt the feathered hearts in a different thread color.  There will be one on each side of the quilt.  I also quilted feathers on either side of this motif for the length of the quilt (113") - in a different thread color.  After looking at it, I decided that although I liked the new thread color, I wanted to do the feathers differently.  So I removed all that stitching as well.

Fortunately I had a bunch of episodes of my soap saved up (Days of Our Lives) and I could just play episode after episode while I worked.  Jack was also my companion for this task...

I had to finish taking it all out and prepping it for the new stitching because I had an appointment to rent time on a long-arm Tuesday.  So I spent 5 hours today adding the new feathers and stippling the ropes.  No pictures though because I forgot my camera.  I left the quilt on the frame so Donna of Whatever's Quilted can add feathered wreaths to it using the computer aided design.  When she's done, I'll go back and work on it some more - maybe Thursday.

I'm doing most of the quilting on the frame, but there are a few areas that I plan to tackle on my domestic machine because they'll be easier on my back that way.  I'm finding this hybrid quilting is the best approach for me.  Some parts are less taxing on a long-arm while others are better at my home machine sitting down.

In any case, I'll be really glad to finish this quilt.  And I'm so very hopeful that I won't have to frog it anymore.

Until later...

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. 
 Ephesians 2:10 (NLT)

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