As I mentioned in my last post, our dog, Gabriel, has recently found a stockpile of deer pee to roll in. You can't imagine the stench that was coming from her. This pervasive and soul destroying odor necessitated a bath - something she is not too fond of.
Here are the pictures from her ordeal. This first one is her hoping someone will open the door so she can make her escape.
Please let me out! |
It begins with the soap... |
Then the tongue comes out... |
And stays out... |
The flash makes her eyes look weird... |
She looks terrified here (although she really wasn't)... |
Don't you feel sorry for her? |
Again with the tongue... |
And again... |
And again... |
The other side this time... |
She almost got her eye with this one! |
And now we have a clean, wet dog. Until she finds some more deer pee to roll in that is...
Until later...
"Only those who give away their lives for my sake and for the sake of the good news will ever know what it means to really live."
Mark 8:35 (LB)
having a good giggle! That first picture is adorable! Reminds me of those cartoony pictures where the dog's head and eyes are incredibly much larger than the body