Saturday, January 29, 2011

Stash Report Week #4...

January 22 - 28, 2011

Time for another stash report.  This week saw one finish and one purchase.  It would have been nice if the fabric in and out would have matched, but it's not even close.

I'll start with the finish.  I put the final stitches in Hootville last night.  (This was my third quilt finish this year.)  You can read all about it in my last post if you're interested.  The minkee backing on it was 60" wide so it only took 1.5 yards.  And although I cut the binding wider than usual, it still only required half a yard.  Although I worked heavily on quilting Twisted Rope and appliqueing Here's My Heart, neither of them are done yet.

As for incoming fabric, I bought a whole bolt of fabric.  I purchased it last week, but it just arrived on Tuesday.  I just happened to read Bunny Hill Design's blog right after she posted that she was going to stop carrying yardage and was selling all she had in stock for 50% off.  She had on hand several colors of Moda Bella Solids and if you'll recall, I purchased some at the beginning of the year called "Snow" thinking it would be an off-white.  But when it arrived it was a pale yellow.  In any case, I jumped at the chance to purchase a bolt of the White at $2.88 a yard.  I checked back the day after and she had pretty much sold out of everything.  If I hadn't been in the right place at the right time (figuratively speaking), I know I would have missed out.  So now I have 15 yards of this beautiful basic to use in my quilting.

Moda Bella Solids White PFD - 15 yards
What's also great is that this fabric is PFD (prepared for dyeing), so if I get up the urge to dye some more fabric, I can use this.

Purchased-this-week: 15 yards
Used-this-week: 2 yards
Purchased-to-date: 28.5 yards
Used-to-date: 9.5 yards
Net used: -19 yards

I'm further in the red this week and I've also already purchased my quota of fabric for January, February and the first week of March.  My goal was to buy less than 150 yards this whole year (or 12.5 yards per month), but it's not looking so good right now.  Fortunately I'm stocked up on staples and don't have any projects that I need to buy fabric for in the near future.

Until later...

The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me. 
Psalm 138:8 (NLT)

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