Sunday, April 17, 2011

Space planning...

In my last post, I shared some pictures of my sewing room.  Although I intend to keep the contents of all the shelving units the same, I am planning to move all of the furniture around.

Several years ago, I made myself a miniature model of my sewing room and the furniture in it.  It's perfectly to scale with 1" = 1'.  It made it so easy to come up with a space plan before having my husband and brother help with the heavy lifting.  I kept it after the last move, so I pulled it out again to play with.  This is the current layout of the room.

I was hoping to put down hard wood floors some years ago, but it was just too expensive to justify so I still have carpet in there.  I built a number of the model pieces using balsa wood, but towards the end I was getting tired and resorted to paper for the rest.  The big red box on the right is my quilting frame.

It's so easy to pick up the pieces and move them around, seeing what will work and what won't.  I know those doing the actual moving are grateful that I've figured it out ahead of time.

The only thing I don't have in here is the couch.  My  husband has told me that it is the one nonnegotiable feature to this room.  It was almost impossible to get in and he has no intention of ever removing it.  I suppose if we ever move, he'll probably chop it up into pieces to get it out.  Which would be a shame, because it's a super comfy sofa.

You can see that I even made up curtains and shades for the model.  Although I made that exact roman shade for the room, I never did get around to making the valance.  For this iteration, I'm going to removed the shade and put a frosted film on the window.  That will give me both light and privacy.  We did that in our master bathroom when we renovated it and it has worked out great.  And after all of the window film I installed last year in the house, I'm virtually a pro at it now.

I haven't really begun to play with the new layout.  I really want to finish going through everything in the room first.  Plus I'm going to be out of town at the end of the month and I'm still busy preparing for the classes I'm going to teach.  Perhaps I can really start tackling that aspect of it in May - along with a zillion other house projects.  My honey-do list is growing exponentially.

Until later...

My heart is confident in you, O God; my heart is confident. No wonder I can sing your praises! 
Psalm 57:7 (NLT)

1 comment:

  1. OMG I cannot believe you made a model of your sewing room! I am back tracking in your blog as I have been really bad not staying on top of my blog reading. I read your post about Sam's weight and have been trying to see what is wrong with Sam. I'm glad I did as this model is amazing. Reminds me of projects I did in art school.
    Cheers from your friend,
