Sunday, April 3, 2011

Stash Report Week #12 & 13...

March 19 - April 1, 2011

I didn't bother with a stash report last week because I didn't buy or use anything.  I've been busy and am still trying to find some spare cycles to continue working on my sewing room.  So far, I've managed to finish going through the my colored fabrics.  I delivered 5 boxes of material to my mom this weekend.  I considered measuring it to see how much there was, but it would have taken me hours.  My best guess is around 200 yards - perhaps more.  But here is the current state of some of my shelving units right now...

Organizing Quilting Stash
I've gone through my whites, blacks, neutrals, yellows, oranges, pinks, reds, purples, blues and greens.  I've also organized my landscape and novelty fabrics.  Next, I'm going to do metallics and batiks.  Then I'll move on to my collections and UFOs.  Still lots more to get done.  I also want to paint these shelves white and the walls and ceiling a different color as well.

So back to the stash report.  I still haven't finished anything I can count yet but I did buy some fabric on Friday.  I had to drop my embroidery machine off for repairs and took the opportunity to buy 12 quarter yard cuts of some RGB fabrics. 

New fabric this week
These are already cut into the necessary strips for the Snails Trail quilt.  Actually, with the addition of these fabrics, I now have all that I need to make this quilt - except time.  I'm a little short on that and not sure when I'll get to begin working on it.

Pieceable Puzzle - Snail's Trail Quilt

So, here are my current stats...
Purchased-this-week: 3 yards
Used-this-week: 0 yards
Purchased-to-date: 62 yards
Used-to-date: 64.5 yards
Net used: 2.5 yards

Until later...
I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you”  
Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

1 comment:

  1. Sooooo jealous of that organization!

    Snail's Trail looks fun! Can't wait to see it come together.
