I'm skipping my stash report this week, because, let's face it, the numbers haven't changed! Perhaps next week I'll finish something.
Instead, I thought I'd share with you some more of my favorite quilts from the Hampton quilt show. This time I'll show you the ones that impressed me with their quilting. I'm certainly not at this level and don't know that I ever will be (probably not), but I can fantasize about it!
This first one won a blue ribbon for 'Best Machine Workmanship' in the Innovative category.
'Persistence' by Karen Kielmeyer |
The quilt itself is fairly large at 85.5" square and the pattern is simple enough. It leaves large open areas for the machine quilting and that's where it shines!
'Persistence' - closeup of the quilting |
Does anyone else wonder how long it takes someone to do this much quilting? I'm guessing she has a long-arm, although
Diane Gaudynski can do some pretty amazing quilting on a domestic machine.
More closeups of the quilting on 'Persistence' |
The next quilt that I was really impressed with won a blue ribbon for 'Best Machine Workmanship' in the Traditional category. It's called 'Me and My Shadow' by Gail Stepanek and Ronda Beyer.
'Me and My Shadow' by Gail Stepanek & Ronda Beyer |
This is another large quilt at 83" square. I may have taken more pictures of this quilt than any other, just because there was so much to see in the machine quilting.
'Me and My Shadow' closeup |
Another closeup of 'Me and My Shadow' |
I would imagine that all of that cross-hatching would take quite a while. Yet again I wonder how long it took to quilt the whole thing?
Final closeup of 'Me and My Shadow' |
This next quilt won 2nd place in the Traditional category. I have to admit that I'm partial to gradated fabrics and love seeing them used in a quilt. (Do any of you remember
Ted Storm-van Weelden's quilt 'Spring of Desire'? It won Paducah in 2008 and was just amazing!)
'Magic of the Rose' by Kristin Vierra, Joan Waldman, Gloria Miller, Marie Clark & Sandi Kosch |
This was also a quilt where I was impressed by both the applique and the quilting.
Center of 'Magic of the Rose' |
I don't think you can tell from the pictures, but there were hundreds of crystals on this quilt too. I've lightened these next pictures a bit so you can hopefully see the quilting better.
Machine quilting on 'Magic of the Rose' |
The quilting motifs here are really appropriate to the quilt.
Another closeup of the quilting on 'Magic of the Rose' |
The last quilt I wanted to share here didn't win an award, but was still impressive to me. It's called 'A Truly Feathered Star' by Karen Sievert.
'A Truly Feathered Star' by Karen Sievert |
It's obvious on some of these quilts that they were designed to leave large spaces for quilting. I have
never planned a quilt that way! Although I admire the work on these quilts, I find it rather intimidating. I also enjoy piecing and applique much more than the quilting. That being said, I'd love to find the time, energy and patience to make one that way. Or perhaps come into a fortune so I could pay someone to do it for me...
Closeup of 'A Truly Feathered Star' |
This is another quilt that had beads all over it. I'm not sure how they were attached, but it had to have taken quite a while.
Another closeup of 'A Truly Feathered Star' |
Final closeup of 'A Truly Feathered Star' |
Hopefully you haven't been bored with these posts about the quilt show, because I actually have a couple more to share with you (sometime in the near future). I'm also slowly working on some quilty things of my own. Perhaps I'll even finish one this week! Fingers crossed.
Until later...
Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.
Romans 12:18 (NLT)