I was all set to load
this quilt on the frame (
now that I've finished the window seat cushion) when I decided I needed to make it bigger. I've been trying to work on it, but as you can see, it's slow going...
My helper David |
By the way, as I'm writing this, David is curled up in my lap with his paws tucked under the laptop. It's one of his favorite positions. He's 22 lbs though, so not all of him actually fits in my lap.
Lord is compassionate and merciful, slow to get angry and filled with
unfailing love.
103:8 (NLT)
Aww that's so sweet! He wanted to make sure you didn't run over your finger! ;-) LOL
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean you have completed the construction? I like your little helper. My two are always helping me!
By making it bigger, do you mean more blocks (using the "extra" ones) or adding more borders? It was so beautiful, was it not kingsize?