This is the season where retailers are bombarding you with sales and special deals trying to entice you to buy, buy, buy! So far, I've been very good at resisting. So good in fact, that I'm behind on my Christmas shopping. But the other day, I finally found a sale that even I couldn't pass up. Funny thing is, it wasn't even supposed to be on sale.
I'm fortunate to live within an hour of around 10 quilt stores. I got an email from one of them advertising a clearance table for an additional 75% off. I knew they carried a number of bolts of
Indigo Crossing by Minnick & Simpson that I've been collecting for my Farmer's Wife quilt (
which I have yet to actually start by the way). They had already marked these bolts down once, so I called to see if they had placed any of them on the clearance table. She told me they hadn't, but if I was willing to drive out there, I could have them for 75% off too. Even though it was a
very cold and rainy day, it was enough to push me out the door (and entice a friend to accompany me), because believe it or not, that made the fabric $1.50/yard. I ended up buying 37.5 yards and between the two of us, we bought everything she had.
I'm not going to keep it all for myself though. My mom would like some (
blue is her favorite color), so we'll split it up between us. I'm planning to make a king size version of the Farmer's Wife quilt and I had already collected all of the fabric below. I'm bound to have enough by now! (
Although to be honest, there is one print I don't have that I would still like to get a yard of...)
My previous collection of Indigo Crossing |
I've already washed all of the new fabric and it's just waiting for me to bring it upstairs and iron it. I wonder how long it will take me to iron almost 40 yards of fabric? Not that it matters. I kind of enjoy it.
I'm still being tempted by all the other fabric sales going on around town and on the internet, but hopefully this spree will help me to resist them. I really do need to buckle down and finish my Christmas shopping though. Is anyone else still struggling with theirs?
Here's another '
Where's my breakfast?' photo of Sam. She has the grumpy look down pat. I actually caught her breaking into one of the cat food bags last night. I've been convinced my husband wasn't closing it correctly, but now we know she's figured out how to knock the bag over, climb on it and use the air pressure in it to pop open the ziploc seal. Then she eats as much as she wants. She's a kitty Einstein!
the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your
hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 (NLT)